
After reading the many statistics provided in this book, one does have to wonder how much talent we as a nation squander? The authors provide some grim statistics including those for child mortality, clean drinking water, High School enrollment and many others. These are numbers which place the US within 140 countries. And, as a country,,,,we don't do well. So, the question is how do we, as a nation turn these statistics (as well as drug addiction, homelessness, alcoholism, etc) around? This book offers solutions to the problems along with suggestions.

This is a powerful, poignant and evocative read which will tug at the reader's heart and soul. Reading true stories from a variety of people all over the US, the problems are addressed...succinctly and without emotion. How we got here as a nation is also mentioned and one thing I liked was that the authors placed an equal blame on both major political parties...

Policies were mentioned that could have an impact on these problems and mitigate suffering. From family planning to Earned Income Tax Credit, there are several more included. And, the problems associated with addiction (drug and alcohol) are delved into deeply. Crime, poverty and homelessness...all a piece of that equation. Non-profit organizations such as TOPPS (Targeting on People's Priorities with Services) which is in Arkansas is excellent.

Holding our politicians accountable is brought up and this one needs to be addressed by all of us, I believe. The discussion on Capitalism and Socialism and whether or not Capitalism is broken was most interesting to me , as well.

The individual stories of the manner in which people ended up as they did are poignant and powerful. I appreciate the fact that the authors also included pictures of some of these individuals. The inclusion of Ann Curry's story should be motivation to others to reach out and help others, if possible. One never knows who might need a nudge!

We must do better as a nation to get to the root problem of addiction, homelessness, and crime and poverty. (I live in Vermont and the opiod problems are spread throughout our state...progress is being made according to the state but it appears to be an uphill battle).

Just an outstanding read for me which was presented in an excellent manner. To paraphrase the authors...we must restore dignity, spread opportunity and spark ingenuity.
