Sams teach Yourself HTML CSS and JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day Seventh Edition

Sams teach Yourself HTML CSS and JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day Seventh Edition

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Rafe Colburn is an author and web developer with more than 15 years of experience building websites. His other books include Special Edition Using SQL and Sams Teach Yourself CGI in 24 Hours. You can read his blog at http://rc3.org or find him on Twitter as @rafeco. 
Jennifer Kyrnin is an author and web designer who has been working on the Internet since 1995. Her other books include Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself Responsive Web Design in 24 Hours, and Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours. She can be found at http://htmljenn.com/ or on Twitter as @htmljenn. 

Laura Lemay is one of the world’s most popular authors on web development topics. She is the original author of Sams Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML, Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days, and Sams Teach Yourself Perl in 21 Days.

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In the “Workshop” section, you can reinforce your knowledge of the concepts in the lesson by answering quiz questions or working on exercises. The Q&A provides additional information that didn’t fit in neatly elsewhere in the lesson.

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